Welcome to McKendree Methodist Church! We are a small church in rural King William, VA. We’re always happy to see you, whether you’ve been part of our church family for decades or just visiting.
Worship begins at 9:30 each Sunday. Our services are traditional and rooted in faith. We sing out of a hymn book, say the Lord’s prayer in unison every week and light altar candles at the beginning of our service.
You can dress casual or wear your favorite Sunday dress. We want everyone to be comfortable. During worship, we usually play a contemporary song, praise music or a country gospel. Our minister, Corey McConville isn’t the only one leading worship. Members of the congregation read scripture and take on other roles during the service. Our children are encouraged to participate as acolytes, ushers, greeters and a few times a year, lead worship or treat us with dance, music or a skit. We have a special time during worship just for the kids. Lifting up prayer together is an important part of our worship. We have a talented pianist, Allen Macuno, a VCU music graduate, and on occasion, a small, enthusiastic choir.
Bible Study – We have Sunday School for all ages and other Bible study opportunities during the year, including a monthly family Bible study on the third Sunday of each month. Currently, we are using the Chosen TV series.
Church Library – We have a church library with a large collection of religious themed and inspirational books, as well as fiction, children’s books and videos to check out.
Fellowship & Outreach – We enjoy being together for fellowship dinners and activities, such as our annual summer church picnic on the river, Easter Egg Hunt, Valentine’s Day celebrations, McKendree Kids’ movie nights and monthly youth events.
C.A.R.E. meets monthly the second Monday April through December for seniors. It provides a safe, fun atmosphere for fellowship, food, entertainment and an opportunity, if needed, for caregivers to take a break. This program runs on the second Monday from April until December 2024.
Need some information on choosing senior living options? Visit www.caring.com/caregivers/guide-to-christian-and-catholic-senior-living/
Upcoming Events
June 10 – C.A.R.E., 1-5 pm
June 15 – 50th King’s Grant School of Children Celebration, 2-4 pm
June 16 – Father’s Day
June 22- 1-3 pm – Red Cross Blood Drive, 10am –3 pm, Fellowship Hall
June 30 – Youth will lead the service with a covered dish lunch after worship, Shower for Baby Boy Edwards
July 8 – C.A.R.E., 1-5 pm
August 12 – C.A.R.E., 1-5
August 24 – Youth Service Day @ Colosse Baptist Church
Sept. 9 – C.A.R.E., 1-5
Sept. 22 – McKendree Celebration